====== asterisk.conf ====== * defaultní umístění souboru **/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf** * možnost změny umístění příkazem **$ sudo asterisk -C /vlastni/cesta/k/asterisk.conf** ===== [directories] ===== [directories] ;Umisteni konfiguracnich souboru astetcdir => /etc/asterisk ;Umisteni modulu astmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules ;Umisteni kam si asterisk zapisuje hodnoty promennych za behu astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk ;Umisteni interni databaze asterisku (soubor astdb) astdbdir => /var/lib/asterisk ;Umisteni podadresare keys, ktery slouzi k ulozeni sifrovacich klicu astkeydir => /var/lib/asterisk ;Umisteni systemovych dat, napr.zvukove soubory dodavane s asteriskem astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk ;Umisteni AGI scriptu astagidir => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin ;Umisteni voicemailu, zaznamu hovoru, hovorovych souboru (co hovor to textovy soubor .call) astspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk ;Umisteni kam asterisk zapisuje svuj UNIX control socket a PID process ID astrundir => /var/run/asterisk ;Umisteni kde asterisk uklada soubory logu astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk ===== [options] ===== Definuje nastaveni parametru behu asterisku, vetsinu hodnot lze nastavit i z CLI. Vice info **$ man asterisk** [options] verbose = 3 ; Nastavuje defaultni ukecanost loggeru. Obdoba asterisk -v. def. 0 debug = 9999 ; Nastavuje debugovaci ukecanost loggeru. Obdoba asterisk -d. def. 0 alwaysfork = yes ; Nastavuje aby asterisk bezel na pozadi (-F) def. no nofork = yes ; Nastavuej aby asterisk bezel v popredi (-f) def. no quiet = yes ; Aby asterisk nebyl ukecany v terminalu bezi-li v popredi(-q). def. no timestamp = yes ; Aby v CLI byla casova znamka (-T) def. no execincludes = yes ; Support #exec in config files. console = yes ; Run as console (same as -c at startup). highpriority = yes ; Run realtime priority (same as -p at ; startup). initcrypto = yes ; Initialize crypto keys (same as -i at ; startup). nocolor = yes ; Disable console colors. dontwarn = yes ; Disable some warnings. dumpcore = yes ; Dump core on crash (same as -g at startup). languageprefix = yes ; Use the new sound prefix path syntax. internal_timing = yes systemname = pbx ; Prefix uniqueid with a system name for ; Global uniqueness issues. autosystemname = yes ; Automatically set systemname to hostname, ; uses 'localhost' on failure, or systemname if ; set. maxcalls = 20 ; Maximum amount of calls allowed. maxload = 0.9 ; Asterisk stops accepting new calls if the ; load average exceed this limit. maxfiles = 2000 ; Maximum amount of openfiles. minmemfree = 1 ; In MBs, Asterisk stops accepting new calls if ; the amount of free memory falls below this ; watermark. cache_record_files = yes ; Cache recorded sound files to another ; directory during recording. record_cache_dir = /tmp ; Specify cache directory (used in conjunction ; with cache_record_files). transmit_silence = yes ; Transmit silence while a channel is in a ; waiting state, a recording only state, or ; when DTMF is being generated. Note that the ; silence internally is generated in raw signed ; linear format. This means that it must be ; transcoded into the native format of the ; channel before it can be sent to the device. ; It is for this reason that this is optional, ; as it may result in requiring a temporary ; codec translation path for a channel that may ; not otherwise require one. transcode_via_sln = yes ; Build transcode paths via SLINEAR, instead of ; directly. runuser = asterisk ; The user to run as. rungroup = asterisk ; The group to run as. lightbackground = yes ; If your terminal is set for a light-colored ; background. documentation_language = en_US ; Set the language you want documentation ; displayed in. Value is in the same format as ; locale names. hideconnect = yes ; Hide messages displayed when a remote console ; connects and disconnects. lockconfdir = no ; Protect the directory containing the ; configuration files (/etc/asterisk) with a ; lock. ===== [files] ===== Nastaveni tykajci se asterisk controll socketu. Primarne vyuzivano remote consolemi (asterisk -r). [files] astctlpermissions = 0660 ;Nastavuje prava pro Asterisk control socket. astctlowner = root ;Nastavuje vlastnika control socketu. astctlgroup = apache ;Nastavuje skupinu controll socketu. astctl = asterisk.ctl ;Nastavuje nazev souboru socketu. ===== [compat] ===== Nastavuje zpetnou kompatibilitu nekterych modulu. [compat] pbx_realtime=1.6 res_agi=1.6 app_set=1.6